The light goes out, elevators and subway trains grind to a halt, public life breaks down – the risk of blackouts is increasing worldwide due to transformer failure, triggered by natural phenomena such as storms, lightning, and floods. Furthermore, outdated technology in the USA is increasingly leading to failure of central power transformers. They have been in use for decades, making them prone to faults. Since virtually every transformer is one of a kind, it takes up to twelve months to build a new one, transport it to its application site, and install it.
However, electricity is essential today – hardly anything works without it. This is why PFISTERER, together with transformer manufacturers, has developed an entirely new emergency concept based on mobile transformers. Built light and compact, they can easily be transported to where a faulty transformer needs to be replaced. Thanks to the pluggable, touch-proof CONNEX connection system, they are 75% quicker to install. This means that the power supply can be restored within a few hours after a blackout.